Health problems, even minor ones, can interfere with or even overshadow other aspects of your life. Even relatively minor health issues such as aches, pains, lethargy, and indigestion take a toll on your happiness and stress levels. One way to improve your ability to cope with stress and feel better is to make a commitment to healthier habits. Poor health habits can add stress to your life and also play a role in how well you are able to cope with stress. Poor health can cause significant stress. Health challenges also affect other areas of your life. Health problems can make daily tasks more challenging, create financial stress, and even jeopardize your ability to earn a living. The current pandemic due to Coronavirus has taken its toll all over the world. While we wait desperately for a vaccine or some other concrete measure to combat this dreaded virus, it has been observed that having a strong immune system can safeguard you from contracting Coronavirus. Ontop vedics, your one...